We are pleased to share this excellent video in which Dan Pipp of Geoprobe Systems® discusses the Dart™ NMR logging tool from Vista Clara, with a focus on the technology, components, applications and how Dart can be efficiently deployed in the field with Geoprobe Direct Push technology.

Deployment of Vista Clara Javelin Dart tools in a Direct Push process provides rapid NMR logging results without the cost and hassles of pre-drilling boreholes in each situation.

Other key advantages of direct push measurements include:

  • Ability to acquire downhole data with high efficiency and minimal footprint (small rig)
  • Minimized environmental disturbance:
    • No generation of drill cutting (which may be contaminated)
    • No need to install permanent well (which could be a long-term liability)
  • Very high quality NMR data because there is not disturbance from an oversized bit

Click for more info on Geoprobe or Dart