The Cosumnes River is one of the few remaining dam-free rivers on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada. Declining groundwater levels have caused the river to periodically run dry in certain sections. This has led to the sub-basin being designated as a “critically over-drafted” groundwater basin.

Deployment of Vista Clara Javelin® Wireline Tool, the Dart™ DP140 Direct Push Probe, as well as GMR™ and GMR-Flex™ surface instruments provided various techniques to directly measure  aquifer properties across the Cosumnes River Basin.

The objective was to characterize the subsurface hydrogeology in support of assessing the suitability of these locations for managed aquifer recharge, and for assessing the impacts of potential MAR activities on the underlying aquifers and streamflow.

Deploying multiple NMR systems provides a more complete and accurate understanding of the aquifer. With this data, local groundwater authorities can reduce risk and costs associated with the design and management of aquifer recharge programs. Whether measuring hydrogeologic properties in existing or new boreholes or limited to direct push applications or non-invasive surface techniques, Vista Clara offers a technical, economical, and environmental solution to help manage aquifer recharge.

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