Vista Clara has successfully completed field validation of Javelin Micro.  With a 1.75 inch (44mm) diameter, Javelin Micro is the world’s first wireline NMR logging tool capable of logging 2 inch ID PVC boreholes.

Field testing was conducted at the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) site in Moab, UT, in conjunction with a project that used the Javelin Slim 2.38 inch logging tool.

Below is a comparison of data from Javelin Micro and Javelin Slim, which confirms efficacy of the new smaller diameter tool.

Key features of the Javelin Micro include:

  • Runs from Javelin wireline NMR surface unit, and 4-conductor wireline with GO-4 or Century logging head.
  • Supported by standard Javelin Pro Software for in-field and in-lab data analysis
  • Comes standard with 2 frequency detection, with 2 simultaneous diameters of investigation of 9 inches and 10 inches. This is important for logging 2” PVC monitoring wells that are often drilled with 7 or 8 inch drilling diameters.
  • Tuning frequencies can be increased for smaller diameters of investigation and higher SNR/faster logging speed if desired.

Javelin Micro is available for purchase now, and coming to the Vista Clara rental pool shortly.

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