During a recent training trip to Germany, Vista Clara provided extensive, on-site, training and equipment demonstrations for customers to highlight magnetic resonance (NMR) technology, which enables them to directly detect and image subsurface hydrogeologic properties.
The training conducted near Hanover, Germany, provided a comprehensive understanding of how NMR Geophysical Equipment helps clients image the subsurface to accurately define hydrogeologic properties including porosity, pore size, mobile and bound water, permeability, and transmissivity.
NMR measurements were performed using three different Vista Clara geophysical instruments including the Dart DP140 Direct Push Probe, the Javelin Slim Wireline Tool and the GMR-Flex surface instruments. Measurements were taken at the test location to demonstrate how each instrument can be used to characterize the subsurface hydrogeology, including total porosity, bound and mobile water, pore size, permeability and transmissivity.
NMR solutions enhance the ability to quantitatively measure porosity, water content, mobile and bound water, and estimates for permeability and transmissivity by providing more accurate measurement that improves designs and reduces project risks and costs.
Click here to read the full story and see data from each of the NMR solutions.
Vista Clara and our distributor Allied are ready to support MR needs in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and The Netherlands.