Watch the video by Vista Clara Chief Scientist, Darya Mozorov, PhD, on “In Situ NMR Measurements to Quantify Crude Oil at Bemidji Crude Oil Spill Site” that was presented at the Battelle Chlorinated Conference on Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 1:50 PM.
The primary objective of this study was to use diffusion NMR with high-resolution Direct Push NMR (DP NMR) probe to define the presence and distribution of crude oil in shallow soils and related unconsolidated materials of the sough plume of the Bemidji crude oil spill site and correlate these findings with the Geoprobe optical image profiler (OIP) probe that detects NAPL based on fluorescence.
Battelle’s Chlorinated Conference is the premier gathering of environmental professionals researching and applying innovative technologies and approaches for characterization, monitoring, cleanup and management of complex sites contaminated with the most challenging classes of chemicals.
Watch the video below: