Geoscientists Without Borders

This inspiring video from Andrew Parsekian shows how the combined use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and time-domain electromagnetic methods (TEM) can be used in a humanitarian effort to map local aquifers, quantify water resources, locate potential fresh water sources for future well sites and guide informed decision making regarding water resource management.

The project, on Aboriginal lands in the far northwest of South Australia, relied on the combined efforts of a group of experts, funded by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Geoscientists Without Borders program. Participants included Dr Andrew Parsekian (now at the University of Wyoming), Dr Denys Grombacher, (now at Aarhus University), Dr Aaron Davis, Dr Timothy Munday, Kevin Cahill  (all three at CSIRO), Dr Brady Flinchum, (now at Clemson University) and Dr Michael Hatch, University of Adelaide,.

To learn more, watch the video below.

You can also read more detail on the project’s objectives and methods on the Society of Exploration Geophysicists site here.